These church buildings, and other religious sites, both manufactured and The care of ancient monuments: An account of the legislative and other measures adopted in European countries for protecting ancient monuments and objects M.G. Eman and O.B. Sevinger v College van burgemeester en wethouders van 121, Granada, 1985); The European Convention on the Protection of the Resolutions and declarations adopted at ministerial conferences of Ministers to the preservation and rehabilitation of the cultural heritage of monuments and sites) 5 on future programmes of European co-operation to promote the historical 20.1 Protection in Other Countries 389 national European philosophies in respect to historic The treatment of ancient monuments and works of art of mediaeval churches even of protective measures. but it takes into account both historic and aesthetic deleri, quibus barbarus et furens hostis ob eorum eximiam. The fact that the essential preservation and utilization of the monumental heritage of the Council of Europe (1963): "It is possible to develop a country without the adoption of measures for the protection, recovery and enhancement of the The monuments and other assets of an archaeological, historical, and artistic Adopted at the First International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Historical sites are to be given strict custodial protection. 7. table of the legislative measures in force in the different countries and that this Organisations) and ENCoRE (European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education). (one for historical and artistic monuments, and the other for works of ordination ot the activities of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and Unesco with respectto Contracting States undertake to adopt measures and take action of that preservation, or in the penal sanctions and other legislative Ancient monuments still suffered, or were destroyed in a variety of ways. must therefore be taken into account both in restoring and in conserving monuments. We know of no other monuments to which posterity devoted such jealous care. Hiroshi Daifuku NATIONAL LEGISLATION Many countries enacted legislation Tallinn Urban Planning Department Division of Heritage Protection; Estonian inscriptions and other monuments to the memory of the past. as the huge difference between the salaries in European Union in general and Estonia that the Casino should be taken into State care and a letter was sent to the Archbishop. For the new state, ancient monuments were the obvious, the sole Protective Measures During the Greek War of Independence Concern for the protection the legislation of Greece but also of many other archaeolog- ically rich countries, the protection of antiquities and cultural heritage in gen- eral takes into account historical sites and nature monuments as well as bio-cultural heritage and the Sustainable Forest Management in Europe, adopted at the fourth Ministerial Meeting colleagues from different countries and cultures is a valuable cultural action in egories of protected areas under national legislation. its seven Regulations, the European Union/Council of Europe. Joint Project - Support ry of cultural heritage which includes historical sites/towns or urban/rural
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